Nov 19, 2016

Yuk, Menanam Okra di Rumah!

Halo, apa kabar? Semoga semuanya selalu dalam keadaan sehat, ya. Percobaan berkebun dalam pot ala-ala kali ini adalah... (drumroll please) tanaman okra! Saya pertama kali mendengar kata "okra" saat menonton film fiksi ilmiah Interstellar tahun 2014. Singkatnya, pada awal film dijelaskan bahwa bumi yang semakin tidak layak huni sedang dilanda krisis pangan dan untuk bertahan hidup umat manusia harus bertani. Sementara itu, badai debu dan bencana hawar terus menghancurkan ladang pertanian. Okra dan jagung adalah dua tanaman pangan yang tersisa untuk umat manusia, sebelum akhirnya okra terkena serangan hawar dan menyisakan jagung menjadi satu-satunya tanaman pangan yang bisa bertahan. Namun, keadaan bumi semakin memburuk dan jagung pun ikut terancam. Salah satu harapan terakhir adalah dengan mencari planet lain yang bisa ditinggali manusia. Sungguh film yang begitu epik dan keren sekali!

Saya pun menjadi penasaran dan merasa sedikit ketinggalan zaman. Sejenis tanaman apakah okra hingga disebutkan dalam sebuah film besar Hollywood? Bagaimana rasanya? Bisa didapatkan di mana, ya? Baiklah, saya memutuskan berselancar di dunia maya untuk menggali informasi mengenai tanaman ini.

Okra atau bendi dengan nama ilmiah Abelmoschus esculentus adalah sejenis tumbuhan berbunga dari famili Malvaceae atau kapas-kapasan yang menghasilkan buah (polong) untuk dikonsumsi. Tumbuhan ini memiliki nama lain okro, gumbo dan lady's fingers karena bentuknya menyerupai telunjuk wanita dengan ujung runcing (tapi sepertinya lebih mirip jari penyihir ya, hehe). Asal tanaman ini sendiri masih diperdebatkan, sebagian mengatakan dari Asia Selatan dan sebagian lainnya mengatakan dari Afrika Barat. Namun, okra diyakini berasal dari suatu wilayah di Abissinia kuno atau yang kini dikenal dengan Ethiopia, lalu menyebar menuju Arab, Afrika Utara, timur Mediterania dan India. Bangsa Mesir dan Moor membudidayakan okra pada abad ke 12 dan ke-13, sementara okra tiba di Amerika Serikat sekitar abad 17. Kini, okra sudah ditanam di hampir seluruh belahan dunia yang beriklim tropis dan sub-tropis. Okra juga dikenal luas di negara-negara Asia Tenggara, tetapi kurang begitu dikenal di Indonesia. Terlepas dari tekstur buahnya yang berlendir saat dimasak, okra banyak digemari masyarakat dunia karena sangat bermanfaat bagi kesehatan tubuh manusia.

Tahun 2015 lalu, saya beberapa kali menemukan okra segar di pasar swalayan di Jakarta. Karena suatu dan lain hal, saya malah lupa untuk membelinya. Kebetulan pada awal 2016, saat sedang asyik mengecek Instagram, ada unggahan penjual benih yang muncul di linimasa saya. Wah, biji okra! Langsung saja, saya pesan dua varietas okra dan berbagai benih lainnya. Saya pun tidak sabar untuk menanamnya. Akibat intensitas hujan pada bulan Januari masih tinggi, saya menunda penyemaian hingga pertengahan Februari.

Lahan rumah yang sangat sempit tentunya tidak menjadi penghalang bagi pekebun pemula seperti saya, apalagi okra dapat ditanam dalam pot dan tidak mengambil banyak ruang. Menurut penjual, okra yang saya beli termasuk kultivar dwarf, sehingga sangat cocok untuk ditanam di pot. Sebelum proses penyemaian dimulai, biji direndam lebih dulu dalam air selama ± 12 jam. Lalu, siapkan media tanam yang akan digunakan, saya pribadi menggunakan media tanam siap pakai dan rockwool. Karena tidak punya wadah semai (seedling tray), saya menyemai benih di pot kecil yang tersedia di rumah saja, asalkan terhindar dari serangan kucing-kucing Mama. Satu benih masing-masing ditanam dalam satu pot. Pesemaian dapat diletakkan di tempat terbuka yang terkena sinar matahari cukup, sebab suhu tanah yang hangat akan membantu proses perkecambahan biji. Namun, pesemaian tersebut harus tetap terlindung dari terpaan air hujan dan angin kencang. Biji okra akan berkecambah dalam waktu sekitar 5-10 hari.

Sebelah kiri adalah bibit okra merah, sementara yang kanan adalah okra hijau

Bibit okra yang telah mencapai tinggi 15 cm atau telah memiliki empat daun sejati dapat dipindahkan ke pot atau polybag dengan diameter minimum 25 cm. Saat transplantasi bibit, pastikan tidak melukai atau merusak akar. Gunakan campuran tanah gembur, kompos, pupuk kandang dan sekam; pastikan media tanam ini memiliki aerasi dan drainase yang baik. Okra sangat cocok pada jenis tanah geluh dan berpasir, maka hindari tanah lempung atau lengket karena bersifat kurang porous. Tanaman ini tumbuh dengan baik pada temperatur antara 25-35°C dan membutuhkan sinar matahari penuh setidaknya enam jam setiap hari untuk dapat berbuah. Oleh sebab itu, letakkan pot di tempat terbuka yang tidak ternaungi. Siram sebanyak dua kali sehari, kecuali saat hujan. Okra sangat tahan terhadap cuaca panas dan kekeringan, tetapi tidak tahan genangan air.

Meskipun akan tumbuh baik-baik saja di kebun dengan tanah yang kaya nutrisi, tanaman okra yang ditanam dalam pot tetap memerlukan nutrisi tambahan dari pemupukan berkala. Mulai usia empat minggu, tanaman sudah dapat diberikan pupuk kandang dan kompos setiap satu bulan sekali. Pupuk rilis lambat seperti NPK, guano, dan pupuk lainnya dengan kandungan fosfor dan kalium tinggi dapat diberikan setiap dua minggu sekali sesuai dengan petunjuk penggunaan. Begitu pun dengan pupuk daun yang dapat disemprot setiap satu minggu sekali.

Tanaman okra juga tidak terlepas dari hama dalam famili kapas-kapasan, yakni penggerek buah dan pucuk (Earis vittella), penggerek buah (Helicoverpa armigera), ulat penggulung daun (Sylepta derogata), wereng kapas (Amrasca biguttula biguttula), dan hama yang biasa dijumpai pada tanaman lainnya, seperti kutu kebul (Bemisia tabici), kutu daun (Aphis gossypii), kutu putih (Phenacoccus solenopsis), tungau laba-laba merah (Tetranychus urticae), serta nematoda puru akar (Meloidogyne incognita). Selain itu, penyakit yang disebabkan oleh cendawan antara lain rebah kecambah, layu fusarium, embun tepung, dan bercak daun. Dua tanaman okra yang saya tanam masing-masing terkena serangan nematoda yang mengakibatkan pertumbuhannya tidak normal dan bercak daun menyebabkan daun cepat menguning dan gugur. Karena serangan cukup parah dan sama sekali tidak menggunakan pestisida, maka keduanya terpaksa dicabut dan dibuang.

Untuk kultivar dwarf, tinggi okra hanya berkisar 1-1,2 meter sehingga tidak perlu dilakukan pemangkasan tanaman. Okra akan mulai berbunga memasuki usia dua bulan, walaupun pada awalnya bunga akan mengalami kerontokan. Bunganya sangat cantik, berbentuk terompet dan berwarna putih kekuningan dengan warna merah keunguan di tengahnya. Sekilas mirip dengan kembang sepatu, wajar saja sih karena mereka memang masih satu famili. Bunga hanya mekar pada pagi hari dan akan menutup lalu rontok setelah terjadi penyerbukan pada hari yang sama. Jangan khawatir, okra termasuk tanaman yang melakukan penyerbukan sendiri jadi kita tidak perlu repot membantu proses penyerbukan. Kemudian, bakal buah berwarna hijau akan muncul  dari balik bunga yang kering. Pada hari kedua, bakal buah okra merah akan mulai berubah warna menjadi kemerahan. Buah muda dapat dipanen pada 4-6 hari setelah berbunga dengan panjang polong ideal sekitar 7-11 cm. Jangan sampai terlambat untuk memetik karena polong akan menjadi berserabut, hambar, dan terlalu keras untuk dikonsumsi. Okra harus dipanen secara berkala setiap dua hari sekali agar tanaman selalu produktif. Gunakan pisau atau gunting tajam untuk memanen. Beberapa orang mungkin akan membutuhkan sarung tangan saat memetik karena daun dan polong okra memiliki bulu-bulu halus yang dapat mengiritasi kulit.

Okra segar cenderung mudah rusak apabila disimpan terlalu lama. Polong tidak dapat bertahan lebih dari tiga hari di dalam lemari pendingin, sehingga begitu dipanen harus segera dikonsumsi. Okra telah lama populer sebagai makanan sehat karena memiliki kandungan serat, vitamin A, B, C, K dan asam folat yang tinggi. Serat yang tinggi membantu menstabilkan gula darah dalam tubuh dan menurunkan resiko kerusakan ginjal, sehingga baik untuk dikonsumsi pejuang diabetes. Okra dapat pula digunakan untuk mengobati masalah pencernaan. Polisakarida yang terdapat dalam polong okra muda sangat baik untuk lambung dan mampu menurunkan kadar kolesterol, begitu pun dengan serat yang ditawarkan okra membantu membersihkan sistem usus besar agar dapat berfungsi secara efektif. Mineral penting, seperti zat besi, kalsium, kalium, mangan, dan magnesium juga ditemukan dalam okra. Selain untuk kesehatan, okra juga bermanfaat untuk kecantikan karena mengandung antioksidan tinggi. Sebenarnya masih banyak sekali kebaikan okra bagi tubuh, namun rasanya tidak cukup untuk ditulis semua dalam postingan ini. 

Lalu, apa sih perbedaan okra merah dengan hijau? Selain dari warna, tidak ada perbedaan yang mencolok. Keduanya memiliki rasa dan khasiat yang sama. Bahkan saat dimasak, polong okra merah akan berubah menjadi hijau. Namun, okra merah mentah dapat ditambahkan untuk menambah warna pada hidangan. Polong okra muda dapat dimakan mentah dan dijadikan berbagai olahan masakan, misalnya direbus, dipanggang, ditumis, digoreng, dibuat sup, acar dan salad, serta cocok untuk dicampur bersama sayuran lainnya. Lendir berupa polisakarida yang terkandung dalam okra dapat berfungsi sebagai bahan pengental masakan dan pengganti putih telur. Okra juga dapat disajikan sebagai minuman, seperti jus, smoothie, dan infused water. Favorit saya tentu saja dimakan langsung dan infused water. Wah, rasa okra yang baru dipetik ternyata sangat segar, renyah dan sedikit manis! Dibuat goreng tepung pun enak. Memasak okra tidak boleh terlalu lama karena akan menyebabkan okra semakin lembek dan berlendir. Selain itu, hindari memasak okra di peralatan yang terbuat dari tembaga, besi dan kuningan. Reaksi yang terjadi antara okra dan logam tersebut akan mengakibatkan warna polong memudar dan menggelap.

Untuk memanen benih okra, tunggu sampai musim tanam berakhir. Kultivar dwarf mampu bertahan antara 6-8 bulan. Biarkan polong hingga menua dan mengering di pohon, biasanya polong ditandai dengan warna coklat, keras dan telah retak. Biji pun telah berwarna gelap kehitaman. Petik dan keringkan polong pada udara terbuka di bawah sinar matahari selama beberapa hari. Setelah itu, bersihkan dan pisahkan benih dari kulit dan kotoran lainnya. Benih dapat dikemas dalam wadah atau stoples kedap udara yang telah diberi gel silika. Simpan di tempat yang kering dan sejuk atau dalam lemari pendingin. Benih okra dapat bertahan hingga tiga tahun, meskipun semakin lama tingkat germinasi akan semakin menurun.

Omong-omong, saat lebaran kemarin, ternyata banyak kerabat yang tertarik setelah mendengar segudang manfaat okra dan ingin mencoba menanam di rumah mereka. Syukurlah, saya sudah menyetok benih okra hijau dan merah dari hasil panen sendiri hehehe. Satu bulan setelah itu, saya dikabari bahwa tanaman okra mereka sudah tumbuh. Bahkan dua minggu lalu, saya diberikan satu pot penuh berisi bibit okra hasil panen perdana mereka sebagai balasan terima kasih, katanya. Terharu sekali deh, okra yang saya tanam sudah beranak cucu dan bisa bermanfaat untuk orang-orang. Padahal saya pun menanam okra hanya untuk iseng-iseng saja. Yup, menanam okra memang semudah itu. Meskipun harga okra di pasaran cukup terjangkau (biasanya 10.000 rupiah/pak), tetap saja okra hasil panen sendiri rasanya jauh lebih enak dan segar ketimbang membeli di pasar. Kadang-kadang okra yang dijual sudah layu, alot dan sangat hambar. Apalagi, di rumah bisa langsung petik sendiri. Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Ayo, menanam okra di rumah!
Okra Diseases (pdf)

Aug 25, 2016

Beauty Thursday: Nivea Lip Butter

As someone who has a huge problem with dry and flaky lips, lip balm has become essential in my daily life. I've tried several drugstore brands, but I haven't found one that worked for me. I've been using this lip butter for almost a year now and all I can say is.. it's so good! I've never stuck with any other lip care for so long, which by the way, is a record for me.

Nivea Lip Butter comes in five flavors and each has a different base color, but it turns out colorless once applied. My all-time favorite is the Vanilla & Macadamia one, however Cocoa is a close second. As for the smell, both have a very pleasant, mild scent that goes away fairly quickly after application. This product also has a smooth and creamy texture—no waxy or sticky—and I love how it glides on and moisturizes my lips well. Another good thing is it's totally tasteless! I usually apply just a little dab before using matte lipstick (the less the better okay or it'll ruin your lipstick), yet I put it thick before going to bed every night and wake up with repaired, happy lips. It also does a great job at exfoliating lips; just apply a thick layer of it to lips, wait a minute or two and then gently brush your lips with a clean toothbrush. This lip butter comes at such great price, about 30.000 rupiah at the drugstore. Even though I'm not a fan of jar packaging which is very unhygienic as you have to keep dipping your fingers into it, the jar does last for a long time.

I love this stuff. I wish it came in a stick form rather than a jar and I wish it had SPF (you know you need SPF for lips, too) so I could wear it on its own during the daytime, but otherwise I can't complaint and I would definitely repurchase this when I run out.


Aug 21, 2016

Over the years of my (K-pop) fangirl life..

From teens to adults, everyone can fangirl over someone/something (be it a movie, book, anime, band or artist) and they have probably done it at least once in their lives. Most people started stanning in their teen, and so did I. Like most teenagers, I literally fangirled over everything and K-pop was one of them. Just a little flashback, my first exposure to K-pop happened a long time ago; way back in 2008 when I was 15. K-pop started out as a guilty pleasure for me and I used to be so obsessed with it. You know that amazing overwhelming feeling you get when you discover something great? Basically, I just liked the music. Yeah, K-pop songs were pretty catchy and unique. But I'm not gonna lie, K-pop was indeed full of eye candy and talent that will leave us in awe all day. It had a wide range of concepts, styles, and genre to enjoy. The music videos were aesthetically pleasing and beautiful. Not to mention the jaw-dropping dance moves and the fantastic stage performances. The whole package had brought me joy on so many levels haha.

I religiously followed everything about my fave groups; their latest news and activities. You know, the teenage fangirl stuff (checking out their SNS, watching their shows, buying merchs, and joining forums). Everything about them just grew on me. I even stayed up all night until 5 AM only watching random K-pop videos on YouTube. Every comeback had me jumping in excitement. Needless to say, I was in full fangirl mode.


My, how time flies. I've been into K-pop for 8 years or so now, and a lot has happened since then. Today, old groups start dying out and it's only a matter of time for them to announce their disbandment. Meanwhile, new idol groups keep popping out are being debuted almost every week. I don't know if it's only me, but I can't really get into rookies for whatever reason. Nothing much draws me in. It just feels weird stanning idols younger than's probably a sign that I'm getting too old for fangirling over them lol. All the overly cute concepts (especially for boy groups) sometimes make me cringe. Not a lot of groups are bringing something refreshing and new. I'm not saying that every group looks like a carbon copy of each other, but they are more or less the same. On the bright side, the new generation of K-pop is rising and it's completely undeniable.

In truth, I gradually lost interest in K-pop and I kind of feel bad for it. As I'm growing up, I realize that my real life is too consuming and I almost got no time to fangirl like before. I no longer follow K-pop as much as I used to. I already stopped checking up on my favorite groups and any news related to them because I barely care for it anymore. Yes, I've officially downgraded myself from fandom trash to a "casual listener". My mom said fangirling was just a phase of life (sort of, maybe); as we grow older, it decreases naturally. Obviously, there also comes a point in our life where we'll lose interest in these certain things. It doesn't mean that the scene is getting boring, though. It just naturally happened. I may be an old fan, that's why I feel this way. I know it doesn't makes sense, but well.. Over the years of my (K-pop) fangirl life, I'm just going to stop right here. 

I don't regret fangirling over K-pop one bit because honestly it made my life more exciting and fulfilling. Fangirling was like some kind of stress relief to me besides reading, drawing and coloring. Thanks to it, I also met some great people (online) who share the same interests as me. I don't care what anyone says, but becoming a fangirl was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Looking back, there were so many priceless moments and unforgettable memories that I'd remember for life. Smiling, screaming, crying, squealing, jumping, dying.. All the feels! I can't even imagine my life without it. One thing, though, I still can't believe I finally stopped fangirling over my bias groups. I still love them, anyway.

At the end of the day, K-pop is just like any other genre of music. I still like jamming listening to my favorite groups.. It is fun, however it just doesn't feel the same anymore. It's really hard to say, but this would probably be my last post related to K-pop. I think I'll get over it at some point in my life. Whenever that will be..


Aug 7, 2016

Book of the Week: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Title: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Author(s): J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne and John Tiffany
Publisher: Little, Brown UK
Year Published: 2016
Format: Hardcover, Special Rehearsal Edition (343 pages)
Goodreads rating: 3.90 (as of August 2016)


Based on an original new story by J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne and John Tiffany, a new play by Jack Thorne, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is the eighth story in the Harry Potter series and the first official Harry Potter story to be presented on stage. The play will receive its world premiere in London’s West End on July 30, 2016.

It was always difficult being Harry Potter and it isn’t much easier now that he is an overworked employee of the Ministry of Magic, a husband and father of three school-age children.

While Harry grapples with a past that refuses to stay where it belongs, his youngest son Albus must struggle with the weight of a family legacy he never wanted. As past and present fuse ominously, both father and son learn the uncomfortable truth: sometimes, darkness comes from unexpected places.

It starts off at the moment of the epilogue in the last book which takes place nineteen years later. Harry and Ginny are married with children, as are Ron and Hermione. Harry's middle child, Albus Severus, who struggles with living in the shadow of his father's fame is sorted into Slytherin and befriends the son of an old nemesis, Scorpius Malfoy. They have a rough time at Hogwarts and both are unpopular outcasts; Albus is mocked for being a Potter in Slytherin, while Scorpius is bullied with a nasty rumor of him being Voldemort's son.  


I want to preface this post by saying: I'm not what you'd call a "Potterhead" or anything. Don't get me wrong, I love Harry Potter. Like a lot of people my age, I basically grew up with Harry Potter and I am glad I did. This is a huge part of my childhood and will always be. I've read all the books and seen all the movies, so far HP is one of the best fantasy series ever made. When it was announced that there would be an eighth story in the series, unlike some others, I wasn't really excited about it. Why? Because I think Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is a fit end to the series although the epilogue is a bit corny, so I personally wasn't expecting another book. But then again, since it's Harry Potter, why not give it a chance?

Hang on, we're going home!

Well, I don't know where to even begin. I'm going to keep it brief. Something to keep in mind, Cursed Child is not a novel. It is a play script that obviously makes it different from the seven other books and I myself don't find it hard to follow. It's literally just straight dialogue and not actually written by Rowling (it's written by Jack Thorne and she has approved it), so don't expect it to have the same feel as her other writings.

Having read it in a day, I'm feeling conflicted about Cursed Child. First, the characters. Because it's written as a script, they are not fully developed as in a novel would be. All of the original characters are horribly out of character. I get that people change as they get older, but their personalities are completely different and unrecognizable. For example, Ron is sadly portrayed as a bumbling idiot! Seeing him like that just really breaks my heartA few old characters from the series make an appearance as well, although none of them feels like the characters we all know and love. 

However, since Cursed Child centers around the next generation of wizards and witches, it's time for us to move forward. In this installment we get introduced to two new main characters, Albus and Scorpius, along with a new controversial character named Delphi who pretty much comes out of nowhere (seriously, her entire existence is just ludicrous). Speaking of Albus, he is pretty annoying and unlikable most of the time. I literally don't understand why Albus hates his father. Just because he ends up sorted into Slytherin and not that great on magic, he doesn't need to be so rude and disrespectful to Harry! There's no particular reason to feel sympathy for him. On the other hand, Scorpius is just plain adorable. Who would have expected Draco's son to be a wonderful geek?! He is like a breath of fresh air for the Malfoys. Scorpius now becomes everyone's new favorite character, and it's easy to see why. So throughout their time at Hogwarts, Albus and Scorpius are outsiders and both are struggling to live in their fathers' shadows. At first look, you might want to label their relationship as "gay" because the dialogue between them is somewhat too romantic and very ambiguous. They indeed are best friends forever, but what is the point of telling us over and over again how much they need and care for each other? It's hard to believe that teen boys would talk like that in a normal conversation every single time. More than 50% of the script, they are too busy hugging each other. I mean come on, they are definitely in love! For all the Scorbus shippers out there, relax dear, it's just a bromance.

About the other new characters, however, I have very little to say. We barely get to know anything about them; some just disappear halfway through the script, some are even forgotten ☹ We learn almost nothing about any of the new kids except the main characters. Probably because it's a stage play in a theatre, the cast of characters should not be too large due to the limited stage area. Fine, then.

As for the story itself, it begins quite well and the first part of the script seems promising, until Ministry of Magic seizes an illegal Time-Turner from a Death Eater.

It turns out this kind of Time-Turner is entirely different from Hermione's.

Hmm from what I can vaguely remember, the Time-Turners have all been destroyed during the events of Order of the Phoenix, but now.. they’re back! There are special Time-Turners in this story that break all the rules of time travel set in Prisoner of Azkaban. In Cursed Child, this new Time-Turner can be used to go back years at a time, not just hours. It also can change the past, creating alternate timeline that leads to a series of butterfly effects. Leaning so heavily on time travel, the story is more focused on revisiting some of the key events of the past: the Triwizard Tournament of 1994, the Halloween of 1981. In short, nothing new gets really added to the Potter universe.

Aside from the time travel nonsense, this script contradicts several elements presented in the previous installments. Too many plot points and other events that feel forced, unrealistic and unbelievable. Some things are just random. The dialog is pointless, choppy and overly dramatic. It also has a good amount of cringe-worthy moments that seriously make me want to slam the book shut many times and be done with it. Hate to say it, but Cursed Child is chock full of plot holes, blatant inconsistencies and deus ex machina that bring up more questions rather than answers.

A few good moments even cannot save this script from mediocrity. And the whole thing about Voldemort having a child is the worst and most ridiculous part for me. I have always considered him asexual and aromantic. I can't imagine He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named engaging in sexual act with anyone. I need explanation. It's so dumbbbbb.

Ugh. I can't, Snape!

Don't ask me how it ends. The more I think about this the sadder I get. Can't believe Rowling had anything to do with this.

Overall, it isn't a terrible read. It just leaves me feeling a bit empty afterwards. Others have described it as reading like fan fiction and sadly, I have to agree. And it has a bit too much fanservice for my taste. Well guys, Cursed Child is not something that meant to be read, but to be watched and played on stage (this play would probably be totally awesome to see!). In any case, I want to see more...more background story, more characters development, more details, more adventure and more magic. It is always amazing to come back to the HP world, however I simply can't accept this as being canon in the series. The whole Harry Potter story should have ended with the Deathly Hallows. Let the story end where the story ends.

It hurts my soul to give Harry Potter anything less than five stars, but here we are.
Should you read it? I suppose so, if only to know what everyone's talking about. You might end up loving it!

**Disclaimer: All gifs on this page are taken from Tumblr.


Jul 5, 2016

Webtoon: Winter Woods


A few thousand years has passed since an alchemist created Winter. He is now living with Jane learning what it means to be alive as a human.

Frankly, I'm not really into manga/manhwa. I don't particularly have a favorite genre, either. I discovered Winter Woods about a year and a half ago, and I got hooked from the very first chapter. Winter Woods is a fantasy, supernatural romance webtoon written by Cosmos and illustrated by Van Ji. It is still ongoing with publication every week at LINE WEBTOON.

It begins with a story of a boy who is created a thousand years ago by his master (an alchemist). The master wants a son of his own after his wife and newly born son died. Since then, he digs up various body parts from corpses and assembles his own "son." His last creation named 1001, who becomes the story's main character, comes alive and begins his journey to learn how to be human. One cold night, he meets with Jane and decides to live with her learning what it means to be alive. Jane gives him a name, Winter Woods.

To go with the Frankenstein-ish theme going on, Winter Woods has an Edward Scissorhands vibe to it (oh boy, I love all Tim Burton's movies!!). Winter's innocence and misunderstanding without any prior knowledge are so similar to Edward. Living in isolation after the death of his master has left him emotionless and very child-like. Moreover, Winter's heart doesn't beat like a normal human being that he is considered undead.

As the chapter goes on, things are getting more exciting and interesting. Lots of plot twists and I am completely trapped with the story. Winter Woods has a darker side to it and events that are totally unexpected. This one also has slice of life coupled with a journey of self-discovery. It has a little bit of everything. It's dark, creepy, funny, sort of Gothic in a way, but most of all, full of mystery. This gives me so many feels because it always has a complete mix of emotions for every single chapter. The webtoon constantly (and successfully) teeters just on the right side of that fine line between creepy and cute in the most wonderful ways. You'll never understand what I mean until you read it yourself. ☺️ The flashbacks with the inventor are very well-told, too.

Doesn't he look less pale and more alive now? He is becoming more colorful than he has ever been.

I love all the characters in it, each of whom has a lot going on in their lives and pasts. They are well-developed and even with their flaws they are likeable. Everyone has their own secrets and are somehow connected to each other. Forgive me, but I always have a soft spot for male main characters. Winter isn't exactly the sweetest character ever, but it is hard not to like him. You gotta love Winter and how innocent and adorable he is. Just like other people, he wants to be alive as a human, to be normal, to be loved and to be precious to someone. I could relate to Winter's gentle, shy, loving character and you have to admit, he does look very huggable ☃️ *oops*
Ah.. Love is in the air~~~

As a reader, the story is very important to me and so is the artwork. Winter Woods has great art style that is so captivating and stunning. The backgrounds are detailed and beautiful. I would even go so far as to say that this is one of the best artwork of all webtoons I've ever read. To the creators of this webtoon, you are awesome. There is no word to express this webtoon. I ❤️ IT. SO SO MUCH.

Since this webtoon is still ongoing, so I can't say much. I only hope everyone finds happiness in the end. Please, I just can't accept a tragic ending for this one. I would recommend this webtoon to anyone who enjoys a romantic mystery. And then, in the end, I wish Winter would grow eyebrows... But nevermind. With or without them, Winter still looks wonderful.
It seems like he wants to have eyebrows so bad. So heartbreaking it only happened in his dream. His very first dream. Ouch. ☹️

May 30, 2016

K-pop Corner: Top 3 Favorite Era of VIXX

VIXX, the Kings of Concepts.

Their live performances are even waaaay better than the MVs.

Well, I also enjoy their brighter concepts, but the dark ones are my faves. No matter what concept it is, they are always killing it. I think I'm officially a VIXX trash. Yes. A VIXX trash.

God bless these long-legged magical creatures.

Apr 26, 2016

Staring Emptily into the Distance

I was wondering what you were thinking, Ken?

Apr 22, 2016

Red, Ripe Bolivian Rainbow Peppers



Feb 28, 2016

Happy Seedlings?

I haven't posted anything for the whole of February, huft.. I feel kind of bad. Last month, my poor red pear tomato plant died after being peed by one of my mom's little monsters cats. I tried re-potting it with new potting soil, but all the leaves started turning brown and falling off one-by-one. It couldn't be saved.

I don't want it to happen twice, so I have my seedlings & remaining plants in hanging containers to keep that jerks from peeing on them. By the way, these below are the only ones that germinated from dozens of seeds I sowed outdoors three weeks ago. February has been a little more trouble. We have had frequent rain showers with overcast days in the month and as I write this post, the rain is pouring down heavily. I guess the lack of sun has caused my seedlings look pale and leggy. They have been doing pretty good so far, well, at least some of them already have their first true leaves.

I planted about six varieties of cherry tomatoes in three containers, including red pear, garden pearl, gardeners delight, mini tomato, and red cherry tomatoes. Thanks to my stupidity, I don't know which one is which because I didn't label any of them.

This is my first attempt at growing okra / lady's fingers (in Bahasa we call it bendi). I never tried it, so I don't know what it tastes like. Okra is not that popular here and people often misinterpret it as oyong, but actually the two plants are from different genus. Did you know that okra has such beautiful flowers? It is said that Cleopatra loved to eat okra for its health benefits. I am growing both green and red okra together. Whooaa can't wait! 

I'm supeeeer in love with Korean melons! There's nothing special about it, but it's so yummy and the fruit tastes like a cross between a honeydew, pear and cucumber. It is like a crispy version of timun suri. I'm not sure it would even survive this upcoming weather, yet I hope one day to see it flower and bear fruit.

My second experience with growing Japanese cucumber. Last time was a complete fail. It was once a healthy cucumber vines until the cat knocked it off...wait, what is that tiny basil doing there? ã…¡.ã…¡"

Basil is easy - most people would say extremely easy - to grow from seed, and it took only a day to sprout! I never knew that the seedlings would be so cute. Even though I don't know how to use basil in cooking, it is good to fight acne and we can make our DIY soothing basil mask from fresh basil.

I've never had any luck with chili peppers of any kind, they never seem to get big (even the easiest one like cabe rawit). Due to the season, I've had to deal with rain and whiteflies ã… .ã…  However, I'm verrrrry curious about rainbow peppers and currently trying to grow Razzamatazz variety. The seedlings have purple stems and leaves. Cool!

By the way, I previously have planted two containers of Bolivian Rainbow. And yet here they are: two dwarf pepper plants. Yup, they are nearly three months old and seem to be growing really slooow. Surprisingly, they started flowering last week but the buds kept falling off. Is the cold weather to blame for it?

I love rain and dark cloudy days, but this time I do yearn for the sun to come out. I hope we get some sun soon! I know my luck is usually pretty low on growing plants, however I hope all of them survive and thrive! 

Jan 26, 2016

Tanaman Pepaya Jepang?

Diperbarui ― November 2017: Setelah hampir dua tahun berlalu dan saya sendiri juga sudah tidak menanam pepaya jepang lagi, akhirnya rasa penasaran akan nama asli dan asal usul tanaman ini pun terjawab. Mei lalu, kebetulan postingan ini dibaca oleh salah satu penpal saya yang berbaik hati memberikan info sekaligus mengoreksi postingan ini. Alhamdulillaah.
Sekadar kilas balik, awal Desember 2015, kami dibawakan sekitar sepuluh batang tanaman pepaya jepang. Kala itu, daun pepaya jepang memang masih asing terdengar di telinga. Dari tampilan luar, daunnya mirip sekali dengan daun pepaya (Carica papaya) dengan ukuran yang tidak begitu besar dan lebar. Secara umum daunnya digunakan untuk memasak, seperti untuk campuran tumis ikan teri, direbus sebagai lalapan, dibuat sayur dan urap. Saat dikonsumsi, daun ini tidak terasa pahit layaknya daun pepaya biasa dan lebih mirip daun singkong, meskipun teksturnya sendiri menurut saya lebih renyah, empuk dan tidak alot. Waaah.. bisa jadi pengganti daun pepaya pahit, daun singkong dan sayuran hijau lainnya nih. Berhubung sudah dibawakan batang pepaya jepang tadi, maka ibu saya berkeinginan untuk menyetek batang-batang tersebut. Batang tanaman lalu dipotong menjadi dua bagian dengan panjang sekitar 30 cm dan dengan berbekal tiga buah pot berdiameter 25 cm, langsung saja kami tancap mereka di pot berisi campuran tanah dan kompos. Awalnya saya skeptis tanaman ini bisa tumbuh melalui stek batang, karena jujur saja saya belum pernah mendengar pohon pepaya hasil stek. Namun seminggu kemudian, batang tersebut sudah ditumbuhi daun-daun baru loh dan inilah mereka saat usia tiga minggu.

Stek pepaya jepang. Sayangnya, pot yang kiri mati karena busuk akibat hujan terus menerus.
Dalam kurun waktu 1,5 bulan setelah stek, daun sudah bisa dipetik dan selanjutnya bisa dipanen setiap bulan. Meskipun terlihat langsing, akan tetapi batangnya kokoh dan daunnya cukup rimbun. Karena ditanam di pot dan sering dipangkas (dipanen), tanaman ini tidak tumbuh terlalu tinggi. Menurut pengalaman saya menanam pepaya jepang di pot, tanaman ini tidak membutuhkan perawatan khusus dan pemeliharaannya cukup mudah, bisa tumbuh dengan baik dan tahan terhadap cuaca panas atau hujan. Penyiraman dilakukan sebanyak dua kali sehari pada cuaca terik, sementara pupuk kandang atau pupuk lepas lambat (slow release fertilizer) seperti NPK dapat diberikan setiap sebulan sekali dengan dosis menyesuaikan ukuran pot. Selain itu, juga tidak dijumpai hama atau kutu pada tanaman. Oh iya sekadar mengingatkan, saat panen sebaiknya jangan sampai terkena getahnya karena dapat menimbulkan rasa perih dan gatal, terutama bila mempunyai kulit sensitif. Namun jangan panik, cukup cuci bagian kulit yang terkena getah dengan sabun dan rasa gatal tersebut akan  berangsur hilang.


Baiklah. Agar tidak salah kaprah, postingan ini saya perbarui per November 2017 untuk meluruskan info yang kurang tepat mengenai pepaya jepang.

Ternyata tanaman ini aslinya bernama chaya atau bayam pohon (tree spinach) dengan nama ilmiah Cnidoscolus aconitifolius (nah, ribet kan).

Chaya atau yang di negara kita lebih dikenal dengan istilah pepaya jepang, bukan merupakan jenis pepaya dan bukan berasal dari Jepang. Bisa dimaklumi karena bentuk daunnya yang mirip daun pepaya, tapi entahlah dari mana asal muasal dinamakan pepaya jepang; mungkin agar terlihat lebih keren dan menarik di pasaran, seperti halnya buah pepaya bangkok (sukma) dan california (callina) hasil pemuliaan tim dosen IPB yang diklaim oleh para pedagang dan dijual di supermarket sebagai buah impor dari Thailand dan Amerika. Hehehe, ada-ada aja ya. Sayangnya, masih banyak yang belum mengetahui hal ini loh. Ini menjadi bukti bahwa masyarakat Indonesia masih lebih tertarik mengonsumsi buah impor. Saya dulu juga begitu kok, tapi setelah mendapat info ini, rasanya kita patut berbangga karena keduanya ditanam oleh petani buah lokal dan rasanya lebih unggul dibandingkan buah impor. (yak, mulai ngawur dari pembahasan)

Dikutip dari berbagai sumber, chaya diyakini berasal dari Semenanjung Yucatán, Meksiko, Amerika Tengah dan selama berabad-abad, chaya adalah makanan favorit bangsa Maya. Chaya merupakan tumbuhan semak menahun (perennial shrubs) yang tumbuh cepat dan besar, dan kini mulai dibudidayakan di seluruh dunia. Chaya terdiri dari beberapa subspesies dan varietas. Ada yang tumbuh liar dengan duri halus (chaya brava); ada pula yang sudah dibudidayakan dan tidak berduri (chaya mansa). Grup kultivar Chayamansa dibagi menjadi empat kultivar menurut morfologi daunnya, yakni 'Chayamansa', 'Estrella', 'Picuda', dan 'Redonda' (sepertinya yang kami tanam adalah kultivar 'Picuda' deh, namun entahlah). Itulah sebabnya mengapa sering kita jumpai daun chaya yang berbeda satu sama lain. Chaya sendiri berkerabat dekat dengan spesies dari genus Manihot (misalnya singkong) dan spesies dari genus Jatropha (misalnya jarak pagar) yang semuanya masih dalam satu familia, yakni Euphorbiaceae. Sehingga tidak mengherankan bila batang chaya dipotong, ia akan mengeluarkan getah putih yang gatal dan menyengat (bagi sebagian orang), seperti yang sudah saya tulis di atas. Disarankan untuk memakai sarung tangan saat panen dan memangkas. Chaya dapat tumbuh setinggi tiga meter, bahkan mencapai lima hingga enam meter, tapi biasanya dipangkas menjadi kurang dari dua meter agar lebih mudah saat dipanen.

Karena menurut sebagian orang rasanya mirip seperti bayam, maka chaya juga dikenal dengan sebutan bayam pohon (tree spinach). Namun untuk urusan nutrisi, chaya memiliki kandungan zat besi lebih banyak daripada bayam dan merupakan sumber kalium, kalsium dan vitamin A yang baik. Bahkan, chaya digadang sebagai salah satu sayuran dengan kandungan nutrisi terbanyak di dunia dan menjadi makanan super (superfood) yang banyak dicari. Dilansir dari laman, mengonsumsi daun chaya dapat melancarkan sirkulasi darah, memperbaiki pencernaan, menurunkan kadar kolesterol dan gula darah, mencegah anemia, dan masih banyak lagi khasiat lainnya. Seperti halnya singkong, chaya juga mengandung senyawa beracun glikosida sianogenik dalam jumlah yang bervariasi. Glikosida sianogenik dapat diproses dengan cepat oleh enzim dalam tubuh dengan mengubahnya menjadi hidrogen sianida (HCN). Oleh sebab itu, chaya menjadi salah satu makanan yang berbahaya apabila disantap dalam keadaan mentah. Eits, jangan khawatir dulu. Untuk menetralkan toksin tersebut, rebus daun chaya paling tidak selama lima menit (paling disarankan 15-20 menit), sehingga daun pun menjadi aman untuk dikonsumsi. Pastikan pula panci atau wajan yang digunakan bukan terbuat dari aluminium, agar menghindari kemungkinan terjadinya reaksi toksik yang dapat menyebabkan diare. Menurut beberapa sumber pula, air rebusan daun chaya mengandung banyak vitamin dan mineral, terutama vitamin C. Lalu bagaimana dengan HCN tadi? Tenang, HCN akan menguap sebagai gas dan air rebusan pun aman untuk diminum sebagai teh hangat atau dapat dijadikan kuah/kaldu masakan (walaupun hal ini masih menjadi perdebatan bagi sebagian orang akan kekhawatiran mereka mengenai toksin yang tersisa tersebut). Untuk lebih amannya lagi, saat merebus sebaiknya tutup panci atau wadah dibuka agar HCN yang menguap tidak tertampung di dalamnya. Bila belum cukup juga, hindari menghirup uap yang dihasilkan saat memasak chaya. Meskipun belum terdengar kasus keracunan akibat mengonsumsi chaya, tapi tidak ada salahnya untuk lebih berhati-hati. Asalkan tidak dikonsumsi dalam jumlah yang besar dan berlebihan, pasti akan aman-aman saja. Banyak sekali loh resep yang dapat dicoba untuk mengolah daun chaya, mulai dari sup, sayur, nasi goreng, pasta spageti, salad, lasagna, hingga pizza. Selain masakan, daun chaya juga dapat dikonsumsi sebagai minuman, seperti teh, jus, smoothie, dan sebagainya, namun tentu saja harus direbus terlebih dahulu karena masih terjadi silang pendapat untuk mengonsumsi daun chaya dalam kondisi mentah.

Pindahkan ke pot yang lebih besar.
Chaya tidak menghasilkan biji, buah, dan umbi; biasanya hanya berbunga putih yang kemudian berubah menjadi polong (seed pod) dan nanti akan rontok dengan sendirinya. Pembiakan (propagasi) tanaman ini dapat dilakukan melalui metode stek batang saja. Untuk menanam sendiri di rumah, cukup dengan menyetek batang chaya sepanjang 15 hingga 60 cm di pot atau langsung di tanah. Buang semua daunnya dan siram secara teratur. Jangan menyiram secara berlebihan karena dalam kondisi tersebut, batang stek rentan busuk. Chaya menyenangi sinar matahari penuh pada iklim tropis, dapat tumbuh baik pada temperatur 25° C atau lebih, dan pada ketinggian 0 hingga 1000 meter di atas permukaan laut. Tanaman ini mampu tumbuh di segala jenis tanah dan kondisi lingkungan. Pupuk tidak begitu diperlukan, namun apabila dipupuk dan disiram dengan baik, chaya akan memproduksi daun yang lebih lebat. Beri jarak tanam sekitar 1-2 m bila ditanam di lahan atau pot, tapi jika ingin dijadikan pagar hidup cukup beri jarak 1 m antara tanaman.

Bunga chaya
Tidak sulit kan menanam pepaya jepang chaya? Sekarang sudah banyak tersedia kok di pasar tradisional dengan harga kisaran di bawah sepuluh ribu rupiah per ikat, lalu coba deh tanam sendiri dari batangnya. Bahkan bibit dan batangnya sudah diperjualbelikan online loh oleh penjual bibit lokal dengan harga yang (menurut saya) agak lumayan mahal untuk satu batang chaya. Selain dijadikan tanaman pagar dan ornamental, chaya juga bisa ditanam di pot karena perawatannya yang sangat mudah. Semoga postingan kali ini dapat menambah sedikit pengetahuan teman-teman tentang pepaya jepang yaa.. eh, chaya! ☺

Bagi yang ingin sekadar membaca info mengenai chaya, berikut saya lampirkan beberapa pranala sumber:
- Chaya
- Chaya brochure - Miracles In Action
- Chaya, the Maya miracle plant
10 Food You Should Never Eat Raw
- Cooking Chaya?
Khasiat Daun Chaya
Chaya: The Spinach Tree
Chaya - Mayan Tree-Spinach, Cabbage Star


Jan 5, 2016

Book of the Week: Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

Title: Eleanor & Park
Author: Rainbow Rowell
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Year Published: 2013
Format: Hardcover (328 pages)
Goodreads rating: 4.15

Jacket copy:

Two misfits. 
One extraordinary love. 

Eleanor... Red hair, wrong clothes. Standing behind him until he turns his head. Lying beside him until he wakes up. Making everyone else seem drabber and flatter and never good enough...Eleanor.

Park... He knows she'll love a song before he plays it for her. He laughs at her jokes before she ever gets to the punch line. There's a place on his chest, just below his throat, that makes her want to keep promises...Park.

Set over the course of one school year, this is the story of two star-crossed sixteen-year-olds—smart enough to know that first love almost never lasts, but brave and desperate enough to try.

Taking place in Omaha, Nebraska in 1986, Eleanor Douglas has just moved and returned home after being kicked out by her step-dad the year before. She is described as a chubby, oddly dressed and plain redhead. Eleanor is the new girl in school. The first day of school she gets on the bus, no one is welcoming or offering her a seat. Even they call her 'big red'. The only seat available is the one next to Park, who is --somewhat grudgingly and possibly pity-- forced to share his seat. Park Sheridan, is half-Korean (Irish dad, Korean mom) who is always dressed in black with headphones in his ears and a comic book in hand. For a long time, they don't talk. After many weeks of sitting side by side in awkward silence everyday, one day Park notices Eleanor reading his comic books over his shoulder. He starts lending them to her and she stays up all night, reading them. Overtime, they bond over comic books and music, and their relationship begin to grow.


Eleanor & Park is the first young adult novel by Rainbow Rowell published in 2013. I'd always heard about this book and finally took the time to read it. This is my first Rainbow Rowell book, so I didn't know what to expect. Set in the author's hometown in 1986, Eleanor & Park is told from an alternating, third-person narrator point of view which reminds me of one of my favorite novels, Flipped.

This book.. where to start. First things first, I can't believe that I finished it. This one took forever to read, almost two months. Eleanor & Park is one of the worst reading experiences I've ever had. So, here we have Eleanor and Park who are not like your typical young adult romantic interests. Just two regular kids who have never really been in love before. Eleanor and Park seems likable at the beginning, but as it goes on I keep on thinking 'Why do you even like Eleanor, Park? Why? Why??'

Eleanor is simply rude and effing annoying. She has issues with her insecurities, yet never overcame them. She is always mad at Park about something, I mean he is so nice to her.. what's wrong with you, Eleanor? She doesn't seem to love Park as much as he loves her and it is not explained why.

And Park. The first thing that comes across my mind is 'Isn't Park a Korean surname?' But in this book, Park is his first name. Why would a Korean mother name her child a surname? I don't get it. Well, I liked Park at first, really I thought he was cute until he blamed his Asian genes for screwing everything up and insecure about his Korean heritage.

I just don't connect with them or any of the side characters at all. There is no character development. Eleanor's family, ugh I don't even have words for. Glad that Park has a relatively normal family, as far as I could remember.

The love story between Eleanor and Park is.....meh. It's not bad, no, may be just not my cup of tea. I understand that teens fall in love quickly, but saying "I love you" after just a short time of hardly being friends? Insta-love! Keep in mind they never say a word or even look at each other the whole time. They even barely acknowledge each other. For me, their whole relationship is weird. It turns out to be more like an unhealthy obsession over one another. There are so many cheesy lines that make me outright cringe and roll my eyes at their stupidity.

At one point, this is what Park feels when he holds Eleanor's hand for the first time:
Was it possible to rape somebody's hand?
Of course. Nothing is impossible, Park.

And Eleanor's:
It was the nicest thing she could imagine. It made her want to have his babies and give him both of her kidneys.
I don't think I even breathe when we're not together," she whispered. "Which means, when I see you on Monday morning, it's been like sixty hours since I've taken a breath.
“And because I’m so out of control, I can’t help myself. I’m not even mine anymore, I’m yours, and what if you decide that you don’t want me? How could you want me like I want you?”
And you make me feel like a cannibal. You're crazy.
Maybe Park had paralyzed her with his ninja magic, his Vulcan handhold, and now he was going to eat her. That would be awesome.
Don't bite his face, Eleanor told herself. It's disturbing and needy and never happens in situation comedies or movies that end with big kisses.

Yup. Eating each other's faces.

‘That’s how good it felt. She was like one of those dogs who’ve tasted human blood and can’t stop biting. A walrus who’s tasted human blood’. 

I also can't stand the fact that there are a lot of casual racism and creepy fetishizing moments in this book. Eleanor mentions it so often that it seems she's fetishizing Park's half-Asian heritage. She keeps talking about Park's magical eyes and his light “honey-colored” skin, that he is too perfect in every sense. All their love is literally a fetish. Park is also labeled under the Asian stereotypes as the emasculated Asian man, good at math and does taekwando (for heaven's sake the author misspells taekwondo for 14 times). While Park's mom is stereotyped as tiny, petite, skinny, and speaks poor English with an accent as well.

Park's eyes got wide. well, sort of wide. Sometimes she wondered if the shape of his eyes affected how he saw things. That was probably the most racist question of all time.

No shit yes, it is.

The third person point of view from two characters' perspectives is so puzzling. It changes so quickly and makes me confused. I'm getting tired of "he said" and "she said" that are so overused here. The plot is thin, underdeveloped and borrring. It makes no sense. The connections between characters, plot-lines, and settings all seem pointless. Moreover, it has a lot of swear words although it gets less and less as the story goes on. Yuck, I don't get offended by swearing, I actually prefer it. I get that teenagers swear, but the use of those words in the first three pages is way over done.

The ending, however, leaves me feeling unfulfilled, ~sigh~ probably because that is the way a good novel should end. It doesn't move forward at all until the very end. The situation remains unresolved for readers. I don't even care about those ‘three words’ tho.

For all the hype this book received, I'm rather disappointed. Ew, this book doesn't even have deeper meaning. It feels way too cheesy and cliché for me. Maybe I'm too old for this sort of books or it's just not my kind of thing I guess. Just don't waste your time, especially if you're over 20.
All in all, this serves one star for me. I feel like I am being harsh, but this is only my opinion. I would recommend this book to no one, not even for curiosity's sake. Just no.

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