Oct 26, 2013

Introvert, that's me.


Oct 17, 2013

Beauty Thursday: The Body Shop Strawberry Body Puree and Body Mist

Not really a big fan of strawberry, but I finally got myself The Body Shop Strawberry Body Puree and Body Mist after eyeing them for months. Personally I much prefer flowery and musky scents over the fruity ones, but this one was hard to resist.

Strawberry Body Puree

It comes in 250 ml clear plastic bottle like typical The Body Shop lotion bottle, so you can see the lotion inside and know how much the product you have left. The pump has a twist-up lock that makes it easier to use. You can see The Body Shop logo in front of the bottle and find the ingredients at the back. The expiration date is at the bottom of the bottle.

The texture is like a gel which feels really soothing on the skin and it has pretty pink color that everyone goes crazy for! It feels a tiny bit sticky for a while after application, yet not greasy at all. The lotion takes some time for it to sink in to the skin. However, it doesn't leave any residue or stick to my clothes during the day.

This body puree has a beautiful scent⁠—very light and slightly sweet like strawberries, but it just smells too artificial for me. I find it doesn't last long at all compared to other lotions of the same brand that last longer on my skin. It's nice, but nothing like what I expected.

According to the ingredients listed above, I do have to mention that it contains parabens to preserve it. Actually I don't mind using beauty products with parabens in them, so that doesn't really matter. This product also doesn't have SPF; therefore, I need to put a sunscreen over the top of it for the protection. It's not moisturizing enough for my dry skin, but it makes my skin feel soft all day. The Body Shop is also against animal testing which is another plus point for me.

Price: Rp. 149.000 for 250 ml as per September 2013

Rating: 3 out of 5

Repurchase? No

Recommend? Yes for those who need light textured lotion.

Strawberry Body Mist

It comes in a 100ml glass bottle that is a bit bulky to bring everywhere and susceptible to break. I prefer their old bottle which was made of plastic, but the glass one can extend the product's shelf life and it looks way more elegant. The spritzer is nice and distribute the mist evenly. You can check the ingredients at the back and expiration date at the bottom of bottle.

A refreshing scent for warmer days! The strawberry smells sweet and lovely, but not sugary like a child fragrance. It is fruity and summery without being artificial smelling or overpowering, so it's really perfect for daily wear. Since it is a body spray, it doesn't last long which is to be expected. This one seems to fade really fast and lasts only an hour or so (on me anyway).

The Body Shop is using organic alcohol comes from sugarcane in Ecuador. You can watch video below to know more about their community fair trade.

Price: Rp. 139.000 for 100 ml as per September 2013

Rating: 3,5 out of 5

Repurchase? No

Recommend? Yes for those who seek a fruity summer scent.

Oct 7, 2013

If Life Deals You Lemon, Make A Lemonade

I will not talk about lemons nor lemonade. The main problem is I've taken wrong major and it ruined my life.

I am now taking Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at Universitas Indonesia. It's my final year and I'm in 7th semester, two semesters more to go. I always realize that I have no passion in engineering. I know this major uses knowledge of maths, chemistry, physics and I do really hate them T__T I always try to love every single thing from this major, however I'm still bad in every subject and always get bad score. I never understand them, but it doesn't mean I am apathetic towards them, I always study really hard and do the best for the tests. No one can understand what I feel. If you're my friend, will you consider me as a dumb one? :( I don't know why but in their eyes (my friends), I'm just a stupid little person. I envy their successes in college.....

Sometimes I feel like giving up, extremely tired and sick of it. That's why I'm reluctant to go to classes. I am doing something that is much more difficult than most people in campus. I know it is painful, but I have to hold on to it. I have nothing to regret at all in the past. I am very aware that my GPA now is not good enough meanwhile I only have two semesters left to raise it. As yet, I haven't found my passion both in metallurgical and materials engineering while most of my friends passionately want to be corrosion or metallurgy engineers.

Metals, polymers, ceramics, composites, nano technology, advance materials, corrosion, extractive metallurgy, heat and surface treatment, metal forming, etc......... They are so hard to understand. Though I have read lots of books, but why still I don't have any idea. I'm still stupid.

Sometimes I wonder if now life gives me lemons (bad of luck and misfortune), will I make a glass of fresh lemonade from it? I promise I'will always learn, study and work hard to make the lemonade sweet and delicious.

What should I do with my life after graduation? This is  a big question I still have to answer. Become a materials engineer? I am wondering about my future everyday, if I'm not an engineer, what will I be?

Sep 29, 2013

My Beauty Wishlist

Wake Up! Wake Up! September has come to an end!

In this post, I'm gonna show you my skincare and makeup wishlist. Yes, I love makeup but I don't wear it too much (well, just colored lip balm for my pale lips, sunscreen and powder) since I am at engineering school and there are a lot of guys here who will notice if you have a makeup on. Even if you just wear lip balm or powder -____- and they will ask you "Do you use powder?" "YESSS!!". Other reasons why I don't wear makeup is I'm not that good at it and my skin is sensitive so I'm really concerned about my skincare.

So here is my beauty wishlist:

Sep 26, 2013

Beauty Thursday: Skin Aqua UV Moisture Milk SPF 50+ PA+++

Setelah sedikit paham akan pentingnya tabir surya untuk kulit, sudah satu tahun belakangan ini saya sedang mencoba untuk rutin menggunakannya saat keluar rumah. Apalagi pada masa kuliah ini kadang mengharuskan untuk banyak beraktivitas di luar ruangan. Kulit pun sering terbakar dan warnanya menjadi belang tidak karuan. Meskipun masih mencari tabir surya yang cocok untuk kulit kombinasi, kebanyakan tabir surya pilihan saya jatuh pada produk yang mudah dijumpai di drugstore. Tabir surya yang kini saya gunakan adalah Skin Aqua UV Moisture Milk SPF 50+ PA+++ dari Rohto Indonesia. Sebenarnya Skin Aqua punya banyak varian untuk dipilih, tapi karena kebetulan saya sudah menghabiskan dua varian lain dengan SPF yang lebih rendah, saya rasa tidak ada salahnya untuk mencoba Skin Aqua dengan kandungan SPF paling tinggi.

Skin Aqua UV Moisture Milk SPF 50+ PA+++ datang dalam kemasan botol plastik yang pas dalam genggaman dan mudah dibawa kemana saja. Tabir surya ini bertekstur cair dengan warna putih susu, tanpa penambahan pewarna dan alkohol, serta tidak beraroma. Hal ini tentu menjadi suatu nilai lebih bagi yang sensitif terhadap wewangian dalam produk kecantikan. Dengan formula berbahan dasar air, saat diaplikasikan tabir surya meresap dengan baik ke kulit, tidak lengket atau berminyak, dan sedikit ada rasa sejuk saat awal penggunaan. Selain mengandung SPF50+ PA+++, Skin Aqua juga dilengkapi dengan Improved Hyaluronic Acid (AcHA), kolagen, vitamin B5 dan E yang berfungsi membantu melembabkan dan menutrisi kulit. 

Dalam kondisi wajah bersih, tabir surya dapat langsung digunakan di wajah dan badan, 20 menit sebelum beraktivitas di luar ruangan. Selain sebagai tabir surya, Skin Aqua juga dapat digunakan sebagai dasar make up. Hasil akhir dari tabir surya ini adalah tampilan dewy (tampak  sehat dan berembun). Biasanya, saya pulaskan bedak tabur untuk mendapatkan hasil tampilan yang sedikit matte. Untuk pengaplikasian ulang, umumnya cuci muka tidak begitu diperlukan dan tabir surya dapat langsung ditumpuk saja ke wajah. Selesai wudu atau berkeringat, juga wajib lo untuk mengaplikasikan ulang tabir surya. Pastikan untuk melakukan double cleansing (pembersihan ganda) saat sudah selesai beraktivitas di malam hari, agar sisa tabir surya yang digunakan dapat terhapus dengan bersih.

Selama pemakaian lebih dari dua botol, tabir surya ini tidak menimbulkan breakout, jerawat, dan alergi pada wajah saya. Sebagai dasar make up, menurut saya produk ini cukup baik karena tidak membuat foundation dan bedak padat yang digunakan terlihat patchy dan cakey. Pada jenis kulit kombinasi-kering seperti saya, tabir surya ini memiliki tingkat ketahanan minyak yang biasa saja. Meski begitu, tidak mengganggu riasan atau menyebabkan wajah terlihat mengkilap, kok. Sesuai dengan namanya, Skin Aqua UV Moisture Milk SPF 50+ PA+++ mampu menghidrasi kulit dengan baik sehingga cocok digunakan untuk semua jenis kulit, termasuk kulit berminyak. Sebotol Skin Aqua UV Moisture Milk SPF 50+ PA+++ dibanderol dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau, yakni sekitar 45.000 rupiah untuk ukuran 40 g. Untuk sehari-hari, produk Skin Aqua satu ini sangat patut dicoba sebagai perlindungan kulit terhadap sinar matahari dan anti penuaan.


Jul 12, 2013

Salut tout le monde!

Welcome to my blog!

Hello, this is my first post! Don't you know that there is a saying in Bahasa: "Tak kenal maka tak sayang"? It literally means "Not knowing, hence do not care", so let me introduce a little about my self. I am Ikah, a final-year engineering student at a university in Depok. I'm now still living in my lovely hometown, Jakarta. I love cats so much! Aren't they the cutest thing ever?

This is my first time I've ever started a blog, I mean a real blog. I just have no idea what this blog about, what to write and talk about. I'll try to make posts about my hobbies, product review, K-pop related (yes, I like K-pop because it has something unique in their music), anything or maybe a secret of mine just like my blog name: Voici mon secret! FYI, it's in French, which means "Here is my secret!". I thought a lot about what my blog name could be, then I decided to start a blog with this name. And I think I'll most likely writing in both Bahasa and English (but *ahem* please excuse my bad English), well at least I've tried :-)

By the way, Ramadan has come and today is the third day of fasting. Alhamdulillah, Allah still gives us a chance to meet this beautiful month. May Allah give us strength and good health to be able to fast during this blessed month, In sha Allah. So people, happy fasting!

And this one is so funny, anyway :D

I think that's all for now. See you in my next post, bye!

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