Nov 12, 2014

My Sketches: The Unfathomable Mr. Oh

Drew this a while ago and I think it looks pretty good, right? It's from Die Jungs photobook, he looks so damn fantastic there. Seriously, I can't... he's just asdfghjkl, really :) Such a cute dork yet so adorable. WHY Sehun WHY~~~ Here, the unfathomable Mr. Oh only for you! Just fyi, probably it's the best drawing I've ever done.

Medium: 2H-8B graphite pencils on A4 Canson paper. This drawing took me 7 hours to complete. Hew, crazy.

1 comment:

  1. wuuaaaa baguuussss banget kah...
    ternyata lo sangat berbakat melukis keren kah :D


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