Jan 29, 2014

Sanput and the Gang

A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.  
~Douglas Pagels


The only thing that are really precious to me are people: parents, family and friends. Well, it's three o'clock in the morning and I can't sleep, so I decide to write this post and I'm going to introduce you my bestfriends in college. Fast forward to today, they are my besties that I've had for about 3,5 years. We the girls, were not so close after all but living in the same boarding house (bahasa: kost) made us closer day by day. This place was such a homebase for us. We called it Sanput which stands for "Sandi Putri", a cozy boarding house surrounded by pleasant atmosphere with a few simple rooms located somewhere in Kutek, Depok. It's a nice place to have a chat or study with friends.

We actually didn't have official name for our group, people just kept calling us "Geng Sanput" and I kind of love that. Here's a picture of us together:

Cheers! Three fingers wide smile \(^_^)/

Heyho let's meet the members of Geng Sanput!

1. Ikah - It's me! Hehe sorry for the awkward pose. They all thought that I have the most "jutek" face which can be defined as always look angry, unfriendly with a fierce, haughty and snooty look. "Jutek abis", they said. Like seriously, am I? Whatever, it's just my natural expression guys. I was born with resting bitch face and big eyes. In fact, I'm cute, funny and friendly tho.

2. Dewi Lestari Natalia - Dee is the most alay person I've ever met - if you dont know what it is, alay is a term for a person who has exaggregating behaviour aka "lebay" and overacting - therefore we called her 'Queen of Alay' haha. Dee loves taking selfies and usually pulls a silly or funny pose. And that famous duck face, uh she really mastered it! No need to explain, just look directly at her pic above. All hail the duckface master! You shoud see the way she laughs, it's kinda lebay but I find it hilarious. LOL. Ah one more, she likes purple and Adam Levine more than anything in this world, period.

3. Hestia Hartini -  Our food supplier lol. She often brought lots of food from her home and share it with us who always feel hungry all the time haha. Sometimes she brought chocolate, cakes, even durian pancake. Thank you, Hes! She has got a really lovely and melodious voice, ask her to sing a song, you'll be amazzzzed. Our best singer, everyone envy her. Anyway, she has already been engaged, congratulation~ and she will get married this mid-year, so Hestia is the one who will be the first to get married in group. I'm wondering, who's next? 

4. Qurratul Ain - Hosh this is my ex-roommate, Ain! She's my damn good roommate for a year since we first moved together to Sanput. She acts more childish than her age and has a figure of a kid, that's the reason why she easily gets bullied by others. Me and Ain sometimes had little quarrels over unimportant things, but we also joke around with each other as a way to get along better. However, she's one of them who really knows me well. 

5. Setiyaningrum - Hestia's roommate, she loves to sing a lot. Ningrum's hobby is watching Korean movies and K-pop music videos. She's interested in K-pop too, but only girl groups not the boybands huhu FYI her favorite singer is IU. Now I can come to her room anytime I want since I don't live in Sanput anymore. She said her door's always open for me. Ningrum is very captious I'm not kidding. I know you won't believe it, nevertheless she is a really good muslimah :)

6. Maylani Tiarna - Such a kindhearted person, Maylani has given me a lot of support and patiently always helps me to explain something I don't understand, hence, I always took the same classes with her back then. Actually, she didn't live with us at the boarding house because her house isn't too far away from campus, but she often stayed overnight at our rooms. We have same bad habits as well: oversleeping and we do have really dark circles under our eyes. Oh noooo! I think oversleeping does cause it.

7. Yoza Kurniawan - Ajoy is my best internship partner! He obviously didn't live with us in Sanput because it's for girls only, but do you know that he lives in the boarding house opposite ours? Yes, his boarding house is facing ours. Kind of funny. He always there encouraged me and being one of my greatest motivators. He is so genious and he is unofficially our teacher! He also would helped us if we needed help, such a big helper!

By the way, Dee, Ain, Maylani and Yoza are going to graduate in less than a week. I feel sooooo happy I can't explain my feeling. Congratulation guys, all your hard work has paid off. What, me? Uh, I'm still struggling hard here hehe.

I'm so lucky to have you all as my best friends, no words I write can ever say how much I love you. You don't even care how annoying I am, you still never get upset or mad at me. I'll always remember the days we laughed, studied, and played together, when we shared both joy and sorrow, when we shared our dreams for the future... Thanks for the great time, all the laugh and fun we had, really unforgettable moments.

As you already know fellas, the greatest distance cannot separate best friends. Even though we are separated, we'll always remain best friends, right? I wish you all the best for a bright future! May there be success and happiness at every turn of our lives. Let good luck always be on your side, gang! (It's sounds more like birthday wishes lol). Amen!

This post is dedicated to you guys. I love you.

Here are some alay poses, specially led by Dee. Enjoy!

Thanks Google+ for making it funny.


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